ABOUT 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载
Welcome to Great Basin College!
Great Basin College values you! Valuing what we have in common and our differences means we will foster a college climate of mutual trust, tolerance, informed discourse and always seek to promote 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 as a "safe space" to explore new ideas and perspectives with opportunities for you to grow, learn and be successful in a friendly, supportive campus environment. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 enriches people's lives by providing student-centered, post-secondary education to rural Nevada. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 students enjoy outstanding academic programs, smaller class sizes, and excellent faculty who really care about our students. We are 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载!
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Great Basin College is "The Gold Standard in the Silver State" when it comes to long-distance education and online education delivery. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 offers hundreds of classes and a diverse array of certificate and degree programs fully online and fully affordable!
Great Basin College wants to be your choice for higher education. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 offers associate and baccalaureate level instruction in career and technical education and academic areas. About 4,000 students are enrolled annually online from across the country and on campuses and centers across 86,500 square miles, two time zones, and ten of Nevada's largest counties. We border Arizona, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and California. We are 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载!
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Kimberly Myers
Administrative Assistant III
Great Basin College
1500 College Parkway
Elko, NV 89801
E-mail: kimberly.myers@
Phone: 775.327.2234
The mission of Great Basin College (澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载) is to enrich people’s lives by providing student-centered, post-secondary education to rural Nevada. The college accomplishes this by providing for the educational, cultural and related economic needs of the multi-county service area through programs of university transfer, applied science and technology, business and industry partnerships, developmental education, community service and student support services in conjunction with certificates, associate, and baccalaureate degrees. The mission of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 is fulfilled by a community of faculty, administrators, staff, and students through a philosophy of shared governance.
The operation of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 is the joint responsibility of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents (BOR), the Office of the President of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载, and the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 faculty. The responsibilities of faculty at 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 are to provide a learning environment that seeks to preserve, augment, criticize, and transmit knowledge; to develop skills; to foster creative capacities; and to establish the means and opportunity for the community at large to participate in these activities through education and community-based events.
The government of an institution of higher education should be designed to allow faculty to select and carry out their responsibilities with maximum effectiveness and integrity. To insure the orderly development of educational programs and policies, to facilitate communication and cooperation among officers of administration and the faculty, and to promote the stable growth and continued improvement of higher education in the State of Nevada, we, the faculty of Great Basin College, shall govern in accordance with the bylaws herein.
The organization herein defined shall be known as the Senate of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载. The organization will be referred to as the Senate in these bylaws.
The authority to form the senate as a recommending body is codified in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) bylaws and Great Basin College (澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载) institutional bylaws. The senate is organized and functions in accordance with philosophies that embrace academic freedom, faculty welfare, and shared governance.
Based on these institutional codes, the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 senate is authorized to act on items brought before it by faculty and/or those brought forth by executive branches of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载. Included in, but not limited to, the senate’s responsibilities are consideration and recommendation of policies/procedures, plans, guidelines, practices, etc. for the operation of the college. The senate is also tasked with considering issues and concerns that relate to faculty welfare and academic freedom (NSHE Code 2.1.4). The senate has the authority and responsibility to take all appropriate actions that are not in conflict with these bylaws, with the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Bylaws, NSHE Code, and the laws and statutes of the State of Nevada and the United States.
Faculty senate bylaws provide the basic tenets for the faculty role in governance. The bylaws committee is a standing committee of the senate that is convened yearly. Membership includes senior administrative and academic faculty who have successfully completed the probationary period (the tenure and mentor processes) with the Senate Vice-Chair serving as chair of the bylaws committee. The bylaws committee has the responsibility of reviewing, revising, and updating these bylaws in accordance with senate procedures described herein.
A. NSHE Code Title 2, Chapter 1
(Section 1.4.7 Senates) states: "All members of the faculty of a member institution shall be represented in each such institution in which they are employed by an entity to be known as the "Senate," or by another entity or entities which may be established in the institutional bylaws, and which shall be organized in conformity with institutional bylaws. All members of the faculty of the Unit shall be represented in one senate to be known as the "Unit senate," and which is to be organized in conformity with the institutional bylaws."
(Section 1.4.8 Senate and Faculty Recommendations) states: "Actions of the senates may be considered by the faculty in accordance with institutional bylaws. When applicable, the recommendations of the senates, or of the faculty acting on senate actions, concerning general policy on matters of faculty welfare, faculty rights under the Nevada System of Higher Education Code and faculty involvement in the University of Nevada's primary missions shall be transmitted to the Presidents for decision or, if the Board of Regents' approval is needed, for recommendations from the Presidents through the Chancellor to the Board of Regents for the Board's decision."
B. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Institutional Bylaws State:
"The Board of Regents delegates to the faculty of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 the authority and responsibility for organizing itself in accordance with 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Bylaws and for recommending policy on matters of faculty welfare, on the rights of faculty under the Nevada System of Higher Education Code, and on their involvement in the College's primary missions as stated in the NSHE Code."
C. College Governance States:
Faculty Senate. "These Bylaws authorize the formation of a faculty senate as allowed by NSHE Code, Subsection. 1.4.7. The purpose of the senate is to assure faculty participation in the formation of institutional policies and goals, and the implementation of these policies and goals.
In accordance with the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Bylaws and the NSHE Code, the faculty establishes and maintains separate bylaws for their governance.
The faculty senate will make recommendations concerning general policy on matters of faculty welfare, faculty rights under the NSHE Code, and faculty involvement in the Great Basin College mission.
These recommendations will be provided to the president in writing for decision, and, if applicable, on to the Board of Regents. Recommendations that are to be sent to the Board of Regents must first be approved by the president’s council [leadership council].
The faculty will be represented at all meetings of the Board of Regents by the chair of the faculty senate or designee. The faculty senate chair will also sit on president’s council [leadership council].
The faculty senate will nominate and elect two representatives from the adjunct [part-time faculty]."
Revisions approved FS Nov 19, 2021
The functioning of the senate is predicated on several important perspectives delineated in NSHE code, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Bylaws, and these faculty senate bylaws, including, but not limited to the following ideals: academic freedom, faculty welfare, and shared governance. These elements are vital to the functioning of the college and its faculty. Each are briefly discussed here.
All officers, members of senate, faculty and visitors to senate are encouraged to be transparent, honest, productive, and engage in civil behavior in all senate settings and communications including meetings, emails, and reports (written or oral). These qualities are key elements to the functioning of senate.
A. Academic Freedom
The faculty of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 embrace the philosophy of academic freedom as it relates to teaching, research, speech, and other matters. NSHE Title 2, Chapter 2 and Title 4, Chapter 1 policies discuss the nature of academic freedom in higher education:
Section 2.1 Declaration of Policy
2.1.1 Higher Education and the Common Good. Institutions of higher education are conducted for the common good and not to further the interest of either the individual member of the faculty or the institution. The continued existence of the common good depends upon the free search for truth and knowledge and their free exposition.
2.1.2 Academic Freedom. Academic freedom is essential to these purposes and is applicable to both teaching and research. Freedom in teaching is fundamental for the protection of the rights of the teacher in teaching and of the student in learning. Freedom in research is fundamental to the advancement of truth and knowledge. A member of the faculty has freedom and an obligation, in the classroom or in research, to discuss and pursue the faculty member's subject with candor and integrity, even when the subject requires consideration of topics which may be politically, socially or scientifically controversial. In order to ensure the freedom to seek and profess truth and knowledge, as stated in Section 2.3 of the Nevada System of Higher Education Code, the faculty member, as defined in Section 2.2 of this chapter, shall not be subjected to censorship or discipline by the Nevada System of Higher Education on grounds that the faculty member has expressed opinions or views which are controversial, unpopular or contrary to the attitudes of the Nevada System of Higher Education or the community.
2.1.3 Academic Responsibility. The concept of academic freedom is accompanied by the equally demanding concept of academic responsibility. A member of the faculty is responsible for the maintenance of appropriate standards of scholarship and instruction.
2.1.4 Acts Interfering with Academic Freedom. The Nevada System of Higher Education is committed to the solution of problems and controversies by the method of rational discussion. Acts of physical force or disruptive acts which interfere with Nevada System of Higher Education activities, freedom of movement on the campuses or freedom for students to pursue their studies are the antithesis of academic freedom and responsibility, as are acts which in effect deny freedom of speech, freedom to be heard and freedom to pursue research of their own choosing to members of the faculty or to invited guests of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
NSHE Code Title 4, Chapter 1
Section 38. Freedom of Expression: Aspirational Statement of Values
The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) and its eight institutions are committed to free and open inquiry in all matters and strive to afford all members of the NSHE community the broadest possible latitude to speak, write, listen, challenge and learn. Except insofar as limitations on that freedom are necessary to the functioning of NSHE and its institutions, NSHE and its institutions fully respect and support the freedom of all its students, faculty, and staff to discuss any topic that presents itself, free of interference. NSHE and its institutions support addressing issues and controversies by the method of open discussion.
The freedom to debate and discuss the merits of ideas is both welcomed and encouraged. The climate of conflict among competing ideas is quite natural and NSHE and its institutions are appropriate spaces for discourse that inspires critical thought and promotes enhanced learning opportunities.
This freedom, however, is not absolute. In narrowly defined circumstances, NSHE and its institutions may lawfully restrict expression and may reasonably regulate the time, place, and manner of expression consistent with First Amendment principles.
NSHE and its institutions are committed to the principle that it may not restrict or suppress debate or deliberation because the ideas put forth are thought to be offensive, unwise, immoral, or misguided. History shows that when institutions of higher education attempt to censor or punish the free expression of ideas, they undermine their core function of promoting
rational discussion, inquiry, discovery, and the dissemination of knowledge. It is not the proper response of NSHE and its institutions to attempt to shield individuals from ideas and opinions.
B. Faculty Welfare
1. Faculty welfare (NSHE Title 2, Chapter 1, 1.4.8) is not clearly defined in policy but in general “welfare” relates to economic conditions. The senate considers this element of higher education to relate to faculty individuals and groups, and centers on improving faculty working conditions under the auspices of shared governance and responsibility. While other areas apply, three key areas of faculty welfare are identified as important components that contribute to the furtherance of the college mission.
a. Improving economic concerns such as salary, workload, insurance, benefits, retirement, evaluation processes, and other matters.
b. Equity, fairness, and inclusion in hiring, salary, promotion, professional development, participation in governance, representation on task forces, work groups, and the like that are outside of the Senate.
c. Fairness in the grievance process between members of faculty, between faculty and other administrative groups, and/or between faculty and students.
C. Shared Governance
1. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 adheres to a philosophy of shared governance that is provided for in NSHE Code and 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Bylaws, and in a general philosophy of higher education first advocated by the American Association of University Professors 1966 Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities.
2. Shared governance embraces the notion that all perspectives at 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 have value in decision-making and can move the institution forward to meet the challenges of higher education today and in the future. In adhering to the philosophy of shared governance, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 administration, faculty, and staff contribute to the development and implementation of actions—policies/procedures, plans, and guidelines—for 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 in addition to considering and debating concerns and issues that arise. It is recognized that the free flow of information and perspective is integral to the college and its faculty.
3. Shared governance is reflected in the organization of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载, including leadership council (LC) and the faculty senate. The development of actions occurs within standing and ad hoc senate committees in consultation with administrative offices, as needed. Committees vote to advance actions to the senate for consideration. The senate may require changes and delay voting until a later date. A simple majority vote in the senate is required to recommend action to LC for further consideration. Actions of the senate shall be reported to the LC by the senate chair. Discussions and actions of LC will be reported back to the senate by the senate chair.
In order to achieve the missions stated above, two important organizational bodies are important: Leadership Council and the Faculty Senate.
A. Leadership Council (LC)
1. Although outside of the senate, Leadership Council is an essential part of shared governance at 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 as indicated in 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Institutional bylaws (College Governance 3.2.1). This advisory body convenes to discuss matters related to the functioning of the college and considers Senate recommendations and/or issues and concerns. LC may also convene committees as needed to make recommendations related to the college. LC is committed to working with faculty and staff whenever possible and appropriate.
2. The president is the final authority on all actions and matters relating to the operation of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载. If a presidential decision meets with significant faculty opposition the president may or may not choose to reconsider the matter in consultation with interested parties.
3. Leadership Council membership is determined by the president and may change at her/his discretion.
Senior Administrative Representation
1. President
2. Vice presidents
3. Deans
4. Director of Institutional Research
5. Assistant to the president
6. Any other representatives designated by the president
Faculty Representation
1. Senate Chair
2. Senate Vice-Chair
3. Past Senate Chair or At-large Faculty.
The out-going Senate Chair may opt-out of this responsibility in which case an at-large faculty member will be elected. At-large faculty members of LC are nominated and approved in Senate by a simple majority.
4. At-large Administrative Faculty Representative.
Administrative Faculty as a body shall nominate and vote for a representative at the first Senate meeting of the academic year.
Classified Staff Representation
1. Classified Council Chair(s)
Student Representation
1. Student Government Association President
B. Faculty Senate
1. The senate is formed in accordance with NSHE and 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Bylaws and is a fundamental in embracing and adhering to the philosophies of academic freedom, faculty welfare, and share governance as detailed above. The senate also seeks to fulfill the mission of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 and its commitment to higher education. The senate is a recommending body only.
2. A primary function of the senate rests in its involvement with the formation, revision, and implementation of policies/procedures, plans, guidelines and other documents and practices that relate to faculty and the function of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载. These tasks often are the responsibility of committees. The senate chair may coordinate with LC and faculty to identify potential goals and activities for committees. The senate chair will then present potential goals for each committee at senate. Through the process of debate and consultation, the senate, through simple vote, will decide on the goals of committees. The senate has the authority to reject potential tasks if that body deems the workload as too significant or if other parties are better suited to performing the task.
3. Best practices related to academic freedom, faculty welfare, and shared governance are founded in discussion, consideration, and debate between all parties, but in this case primarily among and between faculty and senior administration. Policies/procedures, plans, guidelines, and other documents that originate in, and are recommended by, senate are vetted by LC and other interested parties at the discretion of the president. LC may adopt, request changes, or not adopt an item originating in senate. The senate has the authority to reject LC requests for changes. An item can thus be adopted by LC that is not recommended by senate.
4. Items originating outside the senate that affect faculty in terms of academic freedom, faculty welfare, and other matters should be vetted through the senate. The senate may request consultation and/or revision of documents and/or practices that impact faculty as detailed in NSHE code and these bylaws. The president retains the right to reject such a request.
Upon the rare occasion when a policy is mandated and implemented by administration without senate consideration, administration will present those policies in writing, along with justification for acting without Senate recommendation to the Faculty Senate Chair.
The Chair will provide the senate with the mandated policy information. The senate will consider the policy as an information item. The chair will ask for a “Sense of the Senate” as a means of recording senate opinion into the record.
• Faculty are all professional academic and administrative faculty.
• Executive Faculty are the President, Vice Presidents and Deans of the college.
• Code is the latest version of the Nevada System of Higher Education Code.
• Part-Time instructors are temporary academic or administrative faculty who are issued a letter of appointment (LOA) and are employed less than half-time for a period of more than 60 consecutive days or less than twelve months, or more than part-time but less than full-time for a period of more than 60 consecutive days or less than twelve months.
• Container is an academic department or administrative unit of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 as defined by the Executive Committee and approved by Senate.
• Senator is a representative selected by container members to participate in Senate.
• Senate Officers includes the Senate Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
• Ex-officio status means a member of a committee provides input, advice, perspective, and information but is not a voting member of a committee.
Revisions approved FS Nov 19, 2021
1. All full-time faculty who are not Executive Faculty, Deans, or Letter of Appointment instructors shall be eligible to be voting representatives in the Senate. These representatives are called "senators" in this document.
2. The number of senators from each container shall be one, except those with more than ten members, which shall have two.
3. In each academic year, prior to the first meeting of the Senate, senators will be selected by election within the membership of the container. The term of each senator shall be for one year, with no limit to the number of terms served.
4. Senators are voting representatives for containers. Senators have the responsibility to seek input from container members on senate activities and action items. Senators vote with consideration of the container’s consensus. In the event a senator would like to seek more information from a container in regard to an action item, they may request it be tabled in order to pursue further consultation.
5. The term of office for faculty senators shall start at the first Senate meeting and end on last Senate meeting of the academic year.
6. With the Senate Chair’s prior approval, in the event that a senator from a designated Container cannot attend a Senate meeting, that representative shall find an individual from within the container to serve as proxy for that meeting. Senators represented by proxy are considered present for the meeting.
7. The Senate may elect two at-large senators from the part-time instructors. Senators who are part-time instructors shall have full voting rights but shall not hold any Senate office. Candidates may be nominated by any faculty member or by any part-time instructor. Candidates must express a commitment to attend Senate meetings and participate in its affairs. Elections will be held during the first Senate meeting in the fall semester. Terms of office will start October 1 and end at the last meeting of the Senate.
8. In the event a senator is unable to fulfill the duties of office or fails to properly consult with their container, the container may select another representative.
9. Two absences of a senator without good cause will be considered reason to terminate the term of a senator. The Senate chair will consult with a container to name a replacement. Termination will be reported to appropriate supervisors.
10. The composition of the Senate is subject to change by amendment of these bylaws to accommodate changes in the organization of the faculty.
Revisions approved at senate 12-18-20
Revisions approved FS Nov 19, 2021
5.1. Officers
All officers elected for senate represent, serve, and act on behalf of all 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 academic and administrative faculty through honest, transparent, unbiased, and civil behaviors and discourse. All officers are accountable to faculty senate in all activities.
A. The officers of Faculty Senate shall be the Senate Chair, Senate Vice Chair, and Parliamentarian, to be placed into office according to the provisions of this article. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws.
B. The immediate Past Chair is not considered an officer of this organization but serves as an advisory member of Executive Committee.
5.2. Duties of Officers
A. Senate Chair duties:
1. The Chair’s primary duty is to serve the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 faculty, administrative and teaching. As the elected representative of the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Faculty, she or he presides over the Senate;
a. The Senate Chair, upon taking office, will be assigned an administrative assistant to track and circulate committee reports, documents, agendas, and minutes.
b. The Senate Chair will be compensated with a $1,000 per semester stipend as well as a 6-credit release or a commensurate extra stipend for administrative faculty. (see workload policy, section 3.0, B, 3)
2. The responsibility of the Senate Chair shall be to represent and convey faculty interests and perspectives as they relate to academic freedom, faculty welfare, and shared governance to 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Administration, NSHE Board of Regents, NSHE Council of Senate Chairs, and any other committees or organizations related to the operations of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载;
3. The Senate Chair will attend the following meetings (special and regular) and represent faculty interests at such: Board of Regents, Leadership Council, Executive Team, and other college or system-wide bodies;
a. The Senate Chair will provide detailed written and verbal reports to faculty of these meetings and any actions taken by these bodies.
b. The Senate Chair will ensure that any action taken by these bodies is updated in the Faculty Senate bylaws and 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 policies.
4. Set the schedule, venue, and agenda for Executive Committee and Faculty Senate meetings. This may include non-senate member presentations that are relevant to faculty interests;
a. To ensure consistency and understanding, at the first senate meeting, review the role of the Faculty Senate at 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载, the role of the Senate Chair in representing faculty interests, the role of committees and committee chairs, the role of voting senators, and other matters of process that need to be highlighted.
5. Assign Senate Standing and Ad hoc Committee Chairs in consultation with other faculty and current and/or former Senate Officers in order to identify appropriate leadership;
a. Committee Chairs will be selected by the in-coming Senate Chair prior to the first Faculty Senate meeting of the new academic year;
6. Assign members to Senate committees in consultation with other faculty and current and/or former Senate Officers as needed;
a. Committee members will be selected by the in-coming Senate Chair starting the spring prior to their tenure as Chair and will finish assignments by the first faculty senate meeting in September.
b. Faculty preferences are considered but are not binding, as service may be required elsewhere.
7. In consultation with faculty and Executive Committee, assigns tasks to committees and presents these to the full Senate;
8. Nominate faculty representatives to NSHE committees or other organizations related to the operations of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 in consultation with the Senate and officers;
9. And other relevant responsibilities as directed by faculty.
5.3. Election Procedure
A. All faculty eligible to be senators, as defined in Article IV, shall elect from their numbers a Vice Chair by simple majority of those voting;
1. Voting will be done by secret, written or electronic balloting four working days prior to the last regular spring meeting of the Senate;
2. Nominations for the position of Vice Chair shall be opened during the second to last regular meeting of the Senate and shall remain open until the start of the last regular Executive Committee meeting;
a. The Executive Committee will close the nominations and prepare ballots for the eligible Faculty to use when voting;
b. Executive Committee members running for Senate officer positions will abstain from Executive Committee proceedings in regard to officer elections;
c. And the Executive Committee shall close the voting in time to count the ballots and shall announce the election results at the last spring Senate meeting.
B. A Parliamentarian shall be elected from the Senate membership by the Senate membership at the first Faculty Senate meeting of each academic year.
1. Nominations shall be made at that meeting;
2. And a voice vote or show of hands shall be acceptable.
5.4. Terms of Office
A. The Chair and Vice Chair shall serve a one-year term;
B. In the event circumstances warrant, and as determined and approved by a two-thirds majority of the full Senate, terms may be extended for an additional year;
C. The term for the Chair and Vice Chair is July 1 to June 30;
D. And the Parliamentarian shall be in office for a term that ends with the election of a new Parliamentarian on the first meeting of the next academic year.
5.5. Succession of Officers
A. The Vice Chair shall assume the responsibilities of Chair on July 1 or earlier if the Chair vacates the position;
B. And the announcement of the succession will be made by the out-going Chair at the last regular meeting of the academic year.
5.6. Termination of Officers
A. A petition to terminate a sitting officer may be brought to the Executive Committee;
1. The petition must be certified as having the signatures of a minimum of 25% of all academic and administrative faculty;
2. The reason for the petition will be argued before the Executive Committee, with the Vice Chair presiding;
3. And if the Executive Committee determines the petition and arguments are valid, the matter will be brought to the Senate for action. The action must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Senate;
4. And in the event of an officer termination, a special election will be held to replace the officer.
A. Regular and Special Meetings
1. The regular meetings of the Senate will be held at least once each month throughout the academic year with the time to be the responsibility of the Senate Chair. Special meetings may be called at any time during the calendar year by the Senate Chair, by a majority vote of the Senate, or by any five members of the Senate through petition to the Chair.
2. Regular and special meetings of the Senate are open to all members of the faculty and to visitors, unless a meeting or a portion of a meeting is declared to be in executive session by a vote of the Senate. An executive session is open only to officers, senators, and the executive secretary. If mentioned on the agenda, the Chair allows for a period of public comment, during which visitors are allowed to generate and enter discussion.
B. Agenda
At least three days prior to a regular or special meeting, the Senate Chair will have an agenda published and distributed to the faculty. The agenda will also be posted on the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Web Page. In addition to regular agenda items, the Chair must place on the agenda of the next regular meeting all items submitted by petition and signed by at least 10 percent of the faculty, and may place any item on the agenda which has been submitted by any member of the faculty prior to or at the Executive Committee meeting that immediately precedes the Senate meeting. Items intended for information only may be given at the meeting without prior notice if the Senate permits. Action may not be taken on items not on the agenda of a given meeting, but this does not preclude discussion items.
C. Order of Business
1. Welcome and Introductions;
2. Call to Order/Announcement of Quorum;
3. Visiting Speaker(s), if any;
4. Approval of minutes of the previous meeting;
5. Senate Chair Report and Committee Reports;
6. Unfinished Business;
7. New Business;
8. Informational Items, if any;
9. Public Comment, if any; and
10. Adjournment.
D. Rules
The Senate is empowered to make rules governing its own internal organization and procedure subject to the following:
1. A majority of Senate members present will constitute a quorum.
2. All actions of the Senate shall be by simple majority of the members present and voting except as specified otherwise in these bylaws.
3. The minutes of Senate meetings shall be distributed regularly to the faculty and the President. Minutes will be posted on the Faculty Senate Web Page. Minutes will also be made available to the members of the public upon request.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Senate in all cases to which they are applicable except when the rules are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Senate may adopt, any regulations 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 or the NSHE BOR may adopt, or any statutes applicable to this organization.
Revisions approved at senate 5-15-20
Revisions approved FS Nov 19, 2021
7.1 Function
A. Senate committees serve to advance the needs of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 and its mission, its faculty in terms of academic freedom, shared governance, and faculty welfare.
B. All faculty, with the exception of Executive Faculty and Deans, are expected to perform institutional service. Service, in general, are activities outside one’s professional position. Institutional service can involve sitting on at least one approved Senate committee OR other institutional service as approved by their supervisor.
C. The Senate has two types of committees that are approved by simple majority vote of the Senate.
1. Standing committees are permanent faculty senate committees that have a major role in promoting the mission of the college and its faculty;
2. Ad hoc committees are temporary bodies formed for a specific purpose, a defined time period, and are proposed and approved by the Senate.
a. An ad hoc committee is automatically dissolved at the end of the timeline, which cannot exceed the current academic year;
b. Examples could be equipment awards, library projects, evaluations, etc.
D. Subcommittees may be formed by the standing committee chair with the approval of the committee. Subcommittees are temporary bodies tasked with a specific purpose and time-period. The standing committee chair will inform the senate of the proposed subcommittee, its task, time-period, and membership.
E. The Senate has the discretion to both make and to amend its determination of Senate-related committees. Committees that are NOT considered Senate related include, but are not limited to:
3. Department-level committees, tenure committees, committees that exist only due to a specific event/purpose such as special task force committees, scholarship committees, graduation committees, committees that exist for one semester's time or less, advisory boards, and non-college committees;
4. Task Forces are outside the purview of the faculty senate and are generally originated and approved by administration.
F. All faculty must perform work on at least one approved Senate committee OR other institutional service approved by their supervisor as part of their workload.
G. Faculty who receive compensation or work release cannot apply that activity to the service requirement.
7.2. Membership on Committees
A. Committees are composed of a Chair, members of administrative and academic faculty, and ex-officio members assigned as needed. Chairs and regular members of committees are voting members while ex-officio is not.
B. Committee service begins with the first Senate meeting of the fall semester and ends with the last meeting during spring semester.
C. The Senate Chair shall appoint faculty members to standing and ad hoc Senate committees after July 1st of a given year but prior to the first Senate meeting of the fall semester. At the end of each spring semester faculty are to identify committee preferences, but appointment to preferred committees is not guaranteed.
D. The Senate Chair may make assignments to meet the needs of shared governance, academic freedom, faculty welfare, and the institution.
E. The Senate Chair shall appoint committee chairs, with the agreement of the selected faculty member.
F. Senate committees may need to include Executive Faculty, students, and/or classified staff. These members shall be non-voting, ex-officio members of the committees to which they have been appointed.
7.3 Committee Member Duties
A. Committee Chair
1. Attend monthly Executive Committee meetings;
2. Schedule and hold monthly committee meetings;
3. Lead organizer for duties/activities and take attendance;
4. Consult with ex-officio members in regard to policy and actions;
5. Coordinate and consult with the Senate Chair, staff, faculty, and/or administration as needed;
6. Prepare committee reports for each meeting (including date, members present/absent, summary of discussion/activities, actions recommended, etc.);
7. Submit a monthly, written committee report to the Senate including attendance;
8. Maintain committee webpage (list current members, post minutes/reports, maintain current links to related policies on the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Policies and Procedures webpage);
9. Assure committee review and voting for proposed actions/policies;
10. And present actions or other items to the Senate as needed.
B. Regular Member
1. Attend monthly meetings;
2. Participate as requested by the committee chair;
3. Facilitate completion of committee tasks;
4. Respond to chair requests for assistance;
5. And vote on actions of the committee.
C. Ex-Officio
1. Attend committee meetings as needed (a designee may be appointed);
2. Advise and consult with the committee in regard to policy development and implementation and as needed for other activities/issues;
3. Provide guidance in regard to existing college policy and procedure;
4. Provide additional expertise and perspective;
5. And do not vote on committee actions nor present action items to the Senate.
7.4 Termination of Chairs and Members
A. At the recommendation of the committee chair, any member of a Senate committee who is absent for more than two scheduled meetings may be dismissed from the committee, with the approval of the Senate Chair;
B. If the committee chair is absent more than two scheduled meetings, the Senate Chair may replace him/her with a new committee chair.
C. Terminations will be reported to appropriate supervisors by the Senate Chair.
7.5 Senate Standing Committees
All standing committee chairs are to report committee work to the senate and the senate chair on a monthly basis. The primary duties of all committees is to communicate activity to the senate for the betterment of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载. It is understood that some committees are working directly with administration or departments; this work must also be reported to the full senate.
A. All Senate committees will adhere to applicable NSHE Code, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Policy and Procedure, state and other relevant policies and codes. The aim of committees is to collaborate with other committees and administration in order to further the mission of 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载. Only standing committees are listed in these bylaws.
B. Subcommittees within standing committees report to the full committee regularly as well as the senate. Any proposed action items produced by a subcommittee are first presented to the full standing committee for debate and consideration. The full committee votes on moving any subcommittee action items to the senate. In the event a subcommittee is formed, the standing committee chair will add the subcommittee and its membership to the committee webpage.
1. Academic Standards and Assessment
a. Review and/or recommend policies on academic standards such as, grading, course or semester forgiveness, and academic dishonesty;
b. Conduct grade appeals as detailed in 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Policy;
c. Provide policy guidance on course and program level student learning outcomes and assessment issues;
d. Establish and/or review the program evaluation process and results, in conjunction with the appropriate dean;
e. Evaluate course and program level assessment processes and make recommendations as needed;
f. Communicate with the appropriate deans in order to coordinate assessment issues;
g. Review and make recommendations on other topics as assigned by the Faculty Senate Chair, the Faculty Senate Executive Board, or the Faculty Senate Body;
h. Recommends policies regarding grade appeals, admissions, transfers, and general academic regulations;
i. Reviews departmental recommendations regarding requests for nontraditional credit;
j. Representation should come from academic faculty with broad participation from programs and departments;
And the Vice President for Student and Academic Affairs or a designee shall be the ex-officio member of this committee.
2. Bylaws
a. Review and recommend bylaw changes in line with NSHE and 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 policy and code;
b. Review and recommend additions/deletions to the list of standing and ad hoc senate committees. A simple majority vote of the Senate is required;
c. And review and recommend standing committee charges and composition.
d. Faculty Senate Vice Chair will be the chair of this committee;
e. Two faculty members who are tenured;
f. And one administrative faculty member with at least 5 years of professional employment at Great Basin College.
3. Compensation and Benefits
a. Reviews and makes recommendations for workload policy;
b. Recommends distributions of allocated professional development monies;
c. Makes recommendations on policies and priorities for equity adjustments for faculty;
d. Members will research and report on issues regarding salary and benefits such as workload equity, health care benefits, retirement, funding for cost of living adjustments (COLAs), salary increases, salary schedules, and maintaining national and regional salary competitiveness;
e. Makes recommendations on policies regarding compensation related to intellectual property;
f. Establishes criteria and makes recommendations on the distribution of available merit monies;
g. Chair is required to serve on any 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Budget Task Force;
h. And this committee does not consider grievance issues. Grievance procedures addressing a faculty member’s dissatisfaction with an adverse annual evaluation rating or denial of merit can be found in Section 5.9 of the Great Basin College Bylaws.
i. Representation should come from academic and administrative faculty;
j. The Vice President for Business Affairs or a designee shall be the ex-officio member of this committee.
4. Curriculum Review
a. Review and recommend policy for required course syllabi components including updated policy links;
b. Reviews syllabi for new courses, regular and approved general education, including recommendations for the required components, organization, and clarity;
c. Reviews and recommends major requirements of degree and/or certificate program proposals in coordination with the appropriate dean;
d. Reviews and recommends new degree and/or certificate program proposals in coordination with appropriate dean;
e. Reviews and recommends the elimination of degree and/or certificate programs in coordination with appropriate dean;
f. Reviews and recommends program review protocol and reporting requirements for each division, degree and/or certificate program review processes, and reporting in coordination with the appropriate dean;
g. Reviews and recommends degree and/or certificate program review reports;
h. And the committee does not conduct administrative tasks such as: pre-requisite changes, credit hour changes, repeatability of a course, NSHE common course numbering, course articulation, etc.
i. Representation should come from academic faculty;
j. And the Registrar or designee serves as an ex-officio member of this committee.
5. Executive
a. Orients committee chairs in regard to committee function, duties, and goals for the year;
b. Meets prior to each senate meeting to set the agenda for that meeting;
c. Receives status reports from committee chairs or designees;
d. Receives information related to faculty welfare, shared governance, and academic freedom. Reports this information to the senate and administration as needed;
e. Recommends the creation and dissolution of senate committees;
f. And receives petitions and makes recommendations for termination of senate officers and committee chairs.
g. Senate Chair, Senate Vice Chair, and Secretary.
h. Committee Chairs or designee.
6. General Education
a. Recommends and reviews policies and procedures for lower and upper-division general education objectives and assessment plans in consultation with relevant departments;
b. Reviews general education syllabi for lower and upper division courses including objectives and assessment plans in consultation with relevant departments;
c. Reviews and makes recommendations for proposed lower- and upper-division general education (learning objectives and assessment plans) courses in consultation with relevant departments;
d. Recommendations by the committee for a course are submitted to the appropriate dean. If the dean approves the course for inclusion on the general education grid, the form is submitted by the dean to the Curricular Review committee;
e. Reviews and makes recommendations for program/certificate learning outcomes and assessment plans in consultation with relevant programs/departments;
f. Reviews and recommends the removal of general education courses;
g. Recommended assessment plans for courses and/or programs/certificates are forwarded to the appropriate dean;
h. And coordinates with the appropriate department and Admissions and Records regarding transfer and articulation issues for general education courses.
a. The composition of this committee is appointed. The Senate Chair shall communicate with departments and divisions to form the committee. Committee membership shall be structured as detailed below.
b. The chair of the committee will be a senior academic faculty member (defined as tenured or a minimum of 4 years full-time) from one of the departments listed in section c.
c. A majority of members shall be senior academic faculty (defined as tenured or a minimum of 4 years full-time) who teach general education courses. The following departments shall designate one representative each:
1. Arts and Letters Department
2. Computer Technology Department
3. Math Department
4. Science Department
5. Social Science Department
d. Other members shall be drawn from areas that require or incorporate general education in course work. The following shall have one representative each as designated by the appropriate dean and department chair.
1. Health Sciences and Human Services Division
2. Career and Technical Education Division
3. Education Department
e. Two ex-officio members shall serve—a senior member of Admissions and Records and a member designated by the appropriate Vice President.
7. Instructional Technology
a. Review and recommend policies to Faculty Senate that concern instructional technology and/or distance education.
b. Consult with the Distance Education and Computer Services departments regarding any proposed changes in learning management systems.
c. Consult with the Distance Education department regarding issuance of any satisfaction surveys for the learning platform and the Distance Education department's performance in assisting faculty with online issues.
d. Consult with and make suggestions to the Distance Education department regarding professional training subjects for teaching practices and technology.
e. Review and make recommendations on the addition of electronic means of delivery to the teaching process from the point of view of instruction. The areas to be considered by the committee include the use of online, audio, video, Interactive Video (IAV), lecture capture, and other emergent technologies used in an extended classroom environment.
f. The majority of members on this committee shall be instructional faculty.
g. Ex‐offico members should include the Dean of Online Education and one member of the Computer Services Department.
8. Personnel
a. Receives and reviews tenure and mentor application packets for completeness per policy;
b. Forwards acceptable tenure/mentor application packets to the appropriate Vice President office;
c. Receives, reviews and makes recommendations for emeritus status applications;
d. Receives, reviews and makes recommendations for sabbatical applications;
e. At least one committee member must serve on all professional search committees;
f. The chairperson shall designate a personnel committee representative to serve on all search committees. In accordance with 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 policy for staff recruitment Section 2.2.2, the personnel committee representative is "primarily charged with monitoring adherence to established policies, procedures, and legal requirements to assure a fair search process". Thus, in order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, due diligence shall be made to designate a member outside of the department of the position for which the search is being conducted;
g. Reviews and recommends policy pertaining to hiring, tenure, mentoring, sabbatical, emeritus status and other personnel issues;
h. One or more members would serve on a Special Hearing Committee (BOR Handbook, Title 2, Ch 6.11.3);
i. This committee does not consider grievance issues. Grievance procedures addressing a faculty member’s dissatisfaction with an adverse annual evaluation rating or denial of merit can be found in Section 5.9 of the Great Basin College Bylaws;
j. And administration and Human Resources will provide guidance and training for the professional search processes, the role of the personnel representative on professional searches, and the reporting of improper employee conduct during professional searches.
k. Broad participation from academic and administrative faculty;
l. The chair of this committee is a member of the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Budget Task Force Committee;
m. And the Vice-President of Business Affairs or a designee shall be ex-officio.
The bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the Senate, provided the amendment has been circulated to the Faculty by the Secretary of the Senate at least one week before it is placed on the agenda. Amendments to these bylaws are subject to Faculty review, and may be vetoed by a majority vote of the total membership of the Faculty. A majority of those present and voting at a Faculty meeting may call for a written ballot of the entire Faculty.
Kimberly Myers
Administrative Assistant III
Great Basin College
1500 College Parkway
Elko, NV 89801
E-mail: kimberly.myers@parkviewhousebb.com
Phone: 775.327.2234
Great Basin College, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", offers associate and baccalaureate level education in academic, career and technical fields. Welcoming over 4,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载's presence extends across two time zones and spans more than 86,000 square miles throughout Nevada. A leader in rural higher education, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 takes pride in developing students who are well-prepared to meet the demands of industry and who contribute to the success and prosperity of the local economy.
Great Basin College - 1500 College Parkway - Elko, Nevada 89801 - 775.327.5002
A member institution of the Nevada System of Higher Education
Accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
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